One interesting thing I learned this past weekend was that there have been isolated communities of people in the Hudson Valley that I had never heard of before. The old farmhouse where I was staying was loaded with an eclectic collection of dusty books and a couple of us there found a fascinating picture book called Great river of the mountains: The Hudson;
One group of people were called the "Pondshiners" and they lived in the hills around what's now Lake Taghkanic State Park over in Columbia County. The supported themselves by hunting, subsistence farming, and basketmaking. They were regarded with scorn by those in the nearby towns - a State Police sargent once stated: "After all they’re just animals. They’ve slipped so far you couldn’t bring them back. Better if the Flu had wiped them out.” (their community was hit hard by the influenza epidemic of 1918).
Here's an interesting article about the Pondshiners.
One of the things I found interesting about them is that everyone who wrote about them in the past mentioned their lack of religion and practice of "superstition". Many of their "superstitions" seem akin to traditional Wiccan-type practices. The picture below shows Fran Ingals, circa 1941, a Pondshiner "witch" who reportedly could sour the neighbor's milk and send pitchforks flying through the air toward her enemies.
Another group of people mentioned were the Jackson Whites, a perjorative term applied to mountain people in the Ramapo area of New York/New Jersey. They often had Dutch surnames but were racially mixed with Native American and Black ancestors. Read more about them here.

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